Permanent Weight Loss With A Healthy Diet Plan


ELH stands for Easy, Lean and Healthy – it’s short for the tagline the easy way to be lean and healthy. The ELH Diet is a healthy diet plan designed to let you lose weight quickly while eating a balanced diet. No pills, no calory counting, no drastic cutting back on food portions – no gimmicks that only lead to temporary results. It is an easy way to lose weight and keep it off.


The easy way to lose weight without starving yourself!


Do you know why 85 percent of dieters regain lost weight within one year? It’s because they can’t stick to the weight loss plans that are offered in most diet books. We eat for sustenance but we also enjoy eating – that’s why cutting portion size doesn’t work long term.

What’s the point of going on a crash diet if you’re only going to gain it back?

It is important to think of a diet in terms of adopting a lifestyle if you want to succeed in losing weight and keeping it off. Going on a diet that restricts how much you eat only sets you up for failure down the road and there is evidence it could harm your health in the long term. Eating a healthy diet, rather than eating less, is the only path to successful weight control and health.


“This book could change the way you eat forever!” S. MacGregor


Yo-yo dieting only makes the problem worse and as the problem compounds, some people end up being treated by a physician who specializes in obesity.

On the flipside, we now have a growing movement that advocates embracing the fat. These people just want to forget about it and eat what they want when they want, and they have even found doctors who claim there are no health risks from being obese! Let’s hope this movement doesn’t gain too much popularity because for the first time in history, we have a growing number of overweight children!

overweight and obesity rates


An Easy Way To Lose Weight and Keep It Off

In all phases of the ELH DIET, we pay attention to the types of food we eat. You wouldn’t put bad gas in your car  would you? You don’t do that because you know your car won’t perform the way you want it to. Likewise, your body won’t perform the way you want it to if you feed it fast foods and junk food.

In this easy way to lose weight, we focus on what we eat and we make sure we get good quality protein and fat. We eat food that is high in fiber and low in sugar and starch. Making these choices every day is what shifts your body out of a fat-storing condition and puts it in fat-burning mode.

Trying to eat smaller portions of the wrong foods is a sure way to guarantee failure. It’s like going to AA without abstaining. Convenience foods are addictive – they are made that way so you crave them more and more.


 “After following the ELH Diet (for 2 weeks so far) I’ve lost 8 lbs. WOW – I’m impressed. No matter what I’ve tried in the past it just didn’t work.” B. Hurley


The ELH Diet works. It’s a healthy diet plan and the easy way to lose weight fast. It is easy to stick to because you don’t have to limit food portions. You will lose weight quicly and you WILL be able to keep the weight off with this healthy diet plan. Get with a program that works!!!


The ELH DIET Will Show You How To:

  • How to lose weight fast
  • How to keep the weight off for good
  • Which foods make you fat and which ones help keep you thin
  • What’s wrong with processed foods
  • Why you’re still hungry after eating a big meal
  • How to stop craving junk food and bad snacking habits

Here’s A Preview. A few exerpts from the  Book Are Featured Below.

THE ELH DIET – Permanent Weight Loss With A Healthy Diet Plan!


“When Robert Lalonde writes, This book will change your life he is right.” Gisela Hausmann


ELH DIET on amazon